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Origin of Life on Earth


origin of life

Table of content
  • Hinduism concept
  • Christianity & Islamic concept
  • Buddhism & Jainism concept
  • Most common/scientific theory
  • Reality of origin of life
  • Evidence of GOD
  • Beginning of origin of life on earth

The one question that we all have and is still unanswered. Even modern science (7 Theories on the Origin of Life) doesn't have a consensus on the origin of life. Different religions have their own concepts.

Religious concepts

  1. HINDUISM CONCEPT: The whole world, plants, oceans, rivers, humans, animals are created by Lord Brahma.
  2. CHRISTIAN & ISLAMIC CONCEPT: God created the universe, human beings, plants, oceans and rivers in six days. All the plants and animals were created at once. All the living organisms were created in the same form as they exist today. The theory of special creation also suggests that Diversity of life forms will not change in future. 
  3. BUDDHISM & JAINISM CONCEPT : Does not believe in God and professes that everything is happening naturally.

Most common (modern) theory behind the origin of life on earth

origin of life explanation

The most commonly accepted idea behind the origin of life( not proved) is that life has originated and evolved naturally. The basic elements(inert matter) of nature combined naturally and formed different things. Everything is happening naturally. There is no divine force (god) behind the origin/creation of life. For example bacteria originate naturally on rotting food and, trees/grass sprouts naturally on the combination of soil, water and seed. Water cycle is happening naturally without any divine force/god. It's all happening naturally in non living things.( Jainism and Buddhism philosophy) ?

Through these examples it is being conveyed that both living and nonliving things have originated from the natural combination of the basic elements  of nature/matter.

Also read: Happy Guru Purnima in Sanskrit

Reality of Origin : Existence of God

evidence of god

1. Basic matter combined naturally to form life and other things ?

The above explanation is partially correct but not 100%. Partially correct in the sense that the god is not behind everything that is happening in this world. There are natural properties of every element in this world due to which they interact and we see many natural phenomenons but that doesn't mean that everything is happening completely naturally. For example a chair/house/computer would never have formed without  the presence/help of humans/knowledge/mind. It is being said as if the most powerful machine that is human has been created/originated by/from non living matter. But is that possible? NO. A well structured/functioning body structure would never have evolved without the presence of a mind/knowledge (god/divine force)

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What about natural phenomena?

The natural phenomena might be happening naturally but still there are laws which govern them and if there are laws then someone must have laid/thought them because whenever there is a system there has to be someone behind it. Think for yourself : can a non living thing "think" ?

Lets clear things up!

Suppose you have switched on a fan and we know the fan is run by electricity. Right? But what if you don not turn switch on. What if the system/arrangement working behind is not there ( which is devised by a human and did not/can never happen naturally). In the same way whenever there is a system/arrangement present there has to be some living force (to think) behind it. Water cycle is a natural phenomena but that too happens in a systematic manner & is governed by laws. Therefore, there has to be some living force(to think) behind it. 

Origin and Destruction/End of universe/life is a natural phenomena?

If it is true then it will be impossible to determine what is happening right now ( originating or destruction / birth or death). Because the explanation of natural phenomena is usually given by using the surrounding temperature,pressure etc. In that case if given surrounding conditions are same then both the opposite phenomena (origin/end or birth/death) can not happen at the same time but it is not true as explained below.

For example we know that all of us are made up of same matter. But still at a given moment and in the same natural/physical conditions we see that many are dying while many are taking birth too but the determining natural conditions are the same.

Also read: Why there are so much sufferings in this world if god created this universe?

As far as I know whatever happens naturally is controlled by surrounding conditions and if these conditions are same then the result has to be the same unless there is some living force to think and produce otherwise.

 Therefore in similar conditions and at the same time these two (origin and end / birth and death) can never happen naturally! 

Now another question that will come in mind is that what if only the origin is natural?

Well in that case death/end/destruction will never be possible as the natural conditions are favourable to "origin/birth only"

But we have witnessed that the sprouts/trees occur naturally from seed.

That is their natural property and here we are talking about the origin of the seed itself ! That is from where seed has originated.

Whenever non living things combine to form something naturally then it can never be purposeful but the origin of life and the creation of this world is for a purpose and if there is a purpose then there is knowledge/mind which can only be present in living things . 

For Example: Suppose we have everything required to build a house. But we do not have the knowledge. Then through natural processes something might turn out from it  but it will never fulfil the purpose of building a house without knowledge.

Inert matter itself can never become a special substance(living things) for the accomplishment of anything(purpose of origin of life), without god’s knowledge or divine force!

Also read: Did God create nature?

Beginning of origin of life on earth

Therefore the origin of life has been initiated by divine force/god . Though life has evolved naturally after that which is only possible in living things. If non living things could form life then we might have been witnessing evolution in non living things(rock) too!
Also read: Origin of Life on Earth


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