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Did God create nature?

Did god create nature

 No nature (elementary particles of matter) is eternal. Nature is not completely created by God. It is even accepted by modern science(conservation of mass). Because there has to be something (quark, electron etc) in the beginning from which all other things were made (Origin of Life on Earth). Its a myth that god has created everything in nature. As the humans can not create new particles of matter but can make different things from the available matter in the same way god can not create elementary particle but had just devised a system that is nature, to originate and support life.

How many things are eternal in this universe?

  1. Elementary particles of matter : It is self evident from the fact that there has to be something in the start and the start can never be from nothing. God has just assembled what was already available (soul, elementary particles)
  2. Soul (scroll down for evidence of soul )
  3. God (evidence of God)

Elementary particles of matter, Soul and God are eternal and they are never born and will never die. These are the three basic everlasting elements of this universe.

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does soul exists

What is the evidence of the existence of the soul?

If there is no soul then that means this is the only life that we ever live. And if that is true then that means the fruits of the actions(karma) of this life will be received in this life only. Because there will be no birth after this life. And if there is no previous birth then there will be no karma of previous birth. If there was no previous birth then why are we not born the same, with the same capabilities, with the same resources(money, house etc). That is because there is some criteria to decide this which is karma-fal(fruits) criteria, right? And if there is a previous birth then there is soul because the body that we have will get destroyed in this life itself.


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