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Swami Vivekananda quotes free download


Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi  quotes, sayings in English, Hindi 2021 latest new Facebook Instagram post what's app status. National youth Day quotes 12 Jan 2022. 


           We are what our thoughts have made us; 
so take care about what you think.
 Words are secondary.
Thoughts live;
They travel far.

- Swami Vivekananda 


The greatest religion is
To be true to your own nature
Have faith in yourself.

- Swami Vivekananda


Truth can be stated
In a thousand different ways
Yet each one can be true

- Swami Vivekananda


Be the servant
While you lead,
Be unselfish
Have infinite patience
And success is yours

- Swami Vivekananda


In a day
When you don't come across any problems
Then you can be sure that
You are traveling on a 
Wrong path

- Swami Vivekananda


You have to grow
From the inside out
None can teach you,
None can make you spiritual
There is no other teacher
But your own soul.

- Swami Vivekananda


Take up one idea
Make that one idea
Your life
Dream of it
Think of it
Live on that idea

- Swami Vivekananda


Strength is life
Weakness is death
Expansion is life
Contraction is death
Love is life
Hatred is death

- Swami Vivekananda


You can not believe in God
Until you believe in yourself

- Swami Vivekananda


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