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Showing posts from July, 2021

How to do Bhastrika Pranayama & what are it's health benefits?

  Bhastrika Pranayama Method Sitting with the waist, neck straight as per the convenience in a meditative-asana , filling the breath from both the nostrils up to the diaphragm and slowly releasing it with ease is called 'Bhastrika-Pranayama'.  Initially, inhalation should be done for two and a half seconds and the breath should be exhaled for two and a half seconds with a rhythm, practice it for two to five minutes with an average of 12 blows in a minute.   Bhastrika Pranayama for cold and sinus Those people whose both nostrils are not opened properly due to excess of phlegm/mucus or sinus etc., should first close the right nostril and inhale and exhale from the left nostril only.  Then close the left nostril and inhale and exhale from the right nostril at a slow, medium or fast pace whichever feels comfortable. Then in the end Bhastrika-Pranayama should be done from both the nostrils.  It is also called diaphragmatic deep breathing. Bhastrika Pranayama Cautions: Those who have

Sitting postures and meditative asanas for pranayama and meditation

To get the full benefits of pranayama and meditation it is very vital to know the right way to sit while doing pranayama and meditation. In this post I am going to tell you five types of sitting posture in which you should practice pranayama and meditation. Choose any one of the following posture which is comfortable for you as you will not want to be struggling in that instead of focusing on meditation and pranayama. Sukhasana In this posture your leg placement should be similar to as shown in the picture. Keep your neck, spine, chest and waist straight. Siddhasana This posture looks similar to sukhasana yet it is little different from it. It is an advanced posture to sukhasana. When you become comfortable in sukhasana, switch to this siddhasana. The difference between the two is in leg placement. As you can see in the picture the right leg is placed above the left leg. Right leg toe is held between the hamstring and calf muscle with the heel pointing towards the navel.Keep your neck,

Introduction to Pranayama breathing techniques for beginners

  Meaning of Pranayama Pranayama is made up of two words - 'Prana' and 'Ayam'.  'Prana' refers to the air (life force) circulating in the body and 'Ayam' means regulation (control).  In this way, Pranayama means - to control the action of breathing .  By practicing this, the whole body remains healthy. General rules of Pranayama The place for doing pranayama should be clean and airy.  If you practice sitting in an open place or near water (river, pond etc.), then it is best.  .  In cities, where the effect of pollution is more, it is very good to scent the place by lighting a lamp of ghee or incense sticks before doing pranayama. Use a blanket, rug, sheet, rubber mat or mat as a seat while doing pranayama. For Pranayama, sit in Siddhasana , Sukhasana or Padmasana with the spine held straight. Those who cannot sit on the ground can also do pranayama sitting on a chair. While doing pranayama, keep your neck, spine, chest and waist straight.  During the p

After hard exercise Yoga is healthy or not?

  This is one of the common queries of many people about when they should do yoga : before or after workout. How much time should they wait before switching between the two? Which one should be done before; yoga or workout/exercise? Well today you will have your doubts cleared and all of your questions will be answered in this article.  Well the answer depends on one's personal goal. You may want to feel active throughout the day or you may want to remain calm and composed throughout the day. If your goal is to feel active throughout the day In this case you should practice yoga before doing a workout. As it helps you to feel more active throughout the day. If you do workout in the evening then prefer doing yoga after workout as it will relax your body and mind and will help you to get good sleep which is very vital for recovery. If your goal is  to remain calm and composed throughout the day In this case you should practice yoga after hard exercise. Yoga will help you to attain a

Vedic Meaning, lyrics, benefits of Gayatri mantra in Hindi, English and Sanskrit

Prayer for wisdom - Gayatri Mantra Sanskrit transcript: ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः। तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि। धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥ Transliteration: oṃ bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ।  tatsaviturvareṇyaṃ  bhargo devasya dhīmahi। dhiyo yo naḥ prachodayāt॥  ( Sources: Rig Veda 3.62.10, Yajurveda-3.35, 22.3, 30.2, 36.3, Samaveda-1462)   Word by word Analysis (Dissection) of the Gayatri Mantra ॐ (OM) : oh lord, protector of all भूः (Bhur) : life of all lives  भुवः (Bhuvah) : remover of sorrows देवस्य (Devasya) : Da + Va + S + Ya; having divine qualities, yours र्वरेण्यं (Vareñyam) : Va + Re + N + Ya + M : best to be accepted स्वः (Swah) : giver of happiness to all सवितु: (Savitur/Savita) : originator of the whole world, illuminator  of sun and whole universe तत् (Tat) : That – situated as it is; That (God) भर्ग: (Bhargo) : Bha + Ra + Ga; effulgence (divine light) of knowledge धीमहि (Dhīmahi) : Dha + Ma + Ha; let us hold it, obtain it. Oh God! you give us such knowledge यः : which will  नः : our धियः

Swami Vivekananda quotes free download

  Swami Vivekananda Jayanthi  quotes, sayings in English, Hindi 2021 latest new Facebook Instagram post what's app status. National youth Day quotes 12 Jan 2022.  1.            We are what our thoughts have made us;  so take care about what you think.  Words are secondary. Thoughts live; They travel far. - Swami Vivekananda  Also read: The ultimate goal/purpose of human life!   2.  The greatest religion is To be true to your own nature Have faith in yourself. - Swami Vivekananda Also read: Origin of Life on Earth 3. Truth can be stated In a thousand different ways Yet each one can be true - Swami Vivekananda Also read: Did God create nature? 4. Be the servant While you lead, Be unselfish Have infinite patience And success is yours - Swami Vivekananda Also read: Why there are so much sufferings in this world if god created this universe? 5. In a day When you don't come across any problems Then you can be sure that You are traveling on a  Wrong path - Swami Vivekananda Al

Happy Guru Purnima in Sanskrit

 2021 Guru Purnima Instagram Facebook post in Sanskrit Full moon day during Ashadha month is known as Guru Purnima day. Traditionally this day is reserved for Guru Puja or Guru Worship. On this day disciples offer Puja or pay respect to their Gurus. Guru refers to guide who enlighten disciples by his knowledge and teachings. Guru Purnima is also known as Vyasa Purnima and this day is commemorated as birth anniversary of Veda Vyasa. Veda Vyasa was the author in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. 1.   गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः।। भावार्थ: गुरु ब्रह्मा है, गुरु विष्णु है, गुरु हि शंकर है।  गुरु हि साक्षात् परब्रह्म है, उन सद्गुरु को प्रणाम। Also read:  The ultimate goal/purpose of human life!   2.    अज्ञान तिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जन शलाकया। चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः।। भावार्थ : जिसने ज्ञानांजनरुप शलाका से,  अज्ञानरुप अंधकार से अंध हुए लोगों की आँखें खोली,  उन गुरु को नमस्कार। Also read:  Origin of Life on

Why there are so much sufferings in this world if god created this universe?

  This is one of the questions that an atheist will ask. Why did God create a universe where there is so much suffering? Why there are so much sufferings in this world if god created this universe? Well first of all, the sufferings are not god created. These are created by humans by their own karma. Now the next question is What was the reason/requirement to create this universe? The soul is eternal. It can be proved in the same way that the elementary particles of matter have always existed. They are never created but are always present. That means the soul  has been born eternal times. Which means that we have an account of both good and bad karma of all previous lives. Now to punish and reward these karma god has created the universe other how can God be ever just. Also read:    Happy Guru Purnima in Sanskrit What if I don't believe in previous birth? Let's say you don't believe in previous birth. But then how will you explain: why one person is born into a ve